Setting up and Installing your environment - Ivy and GradSLAM
We use Google Colab and a python3.8 setup and install the required dependencies. Ivy here is accessed using its API keys.
Setting up pip
%pip install --upgrade pip
%pip install --upgrade setuptools
%pip install packaging==22.0
%pip install h5py
%pip install typing-extensions
%pip install wheel
GradSLAM Installation
%pip install kornia
!git clone
!cd chamferdist && python3 -m pip install .
!git clone
!cd gradslam && python3 -m pip install -e .[dev]
Ivy Installation
!git clone
!cd ivy && python3 -m pip install --user -e .
Now, Restart the RunTime Environment in Google Colab
Accessing Ivy's Compiler and Transpiler using the API Key
!mkdir -p .ivy
!echo -n $API_KEY > .ivy/key.pem
NOTE: You need to obtain the API key from the official website - Ivy
Verifying your installation
# GradSLAM
import gradslam as gs
print(gs.__version__) #0.1.0
# Ivy
import ivy
print(type(ivy.transpile)) #Should be "class function"